Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Showing Style By Way Of Box Warps

By Stanley Jones - a smoker and follower of www.ashtags.com.

ashtags box warps
Oftentimes, after a difficult session of brainstorming, nothing beats smoking a cigarette in order to relax. And there is no better buzz kill than Australia's new smoking restriction on wrapping. As an alternative to being greeted with your brand's familiar label as you fish a stick from your pack of cigarettes, you'll be greeted with graphic photos associated with smoking cigarettes. A nifty idea to counter this is by utilizing cigarette stickers.

There was a period of time when you could smoke almost anywhere: on a plane, in a restaurant, within a mall... With stringent regulations on cigarette smoking being passed globally, cigarette smokers must huddle in selected areas for their dose of nicotine. Australia's government has increased the ante by passing what some consider a Draconian measure that involves the packaging of any nicotine products.

Alternatively, cigarette producers have cried foul over the new law. In accordance with them, the new law benefits government entities by making use of cigarette packaging as a means for its messages. In addition they argued that the terms of the law infringe on their own intellectual property rights including the usage of their trademarks. They have also expressed issue that with the passage of the new rules, counterfeiters could have a field day.

There is practically a business developed around kicking the habit, from patches to hypnotism and also self-help books. Even e-cigarettes have developed in popularity recently, making bold remarks about a healthier substitute for cigarettes even though such claims and long-term use need to be authenticated by experts.

Of course, there is absolutely no denying the hazards associated with smoking cigarettes. Long-term smoking has been connected with a selection of diseases including respiratory and heart diseases. A few studies have been made in connection with the benefits of smoking, from reduced risk for knee replacement surgery to lower chance of obesity, but at the end of the day, a smoker just wants to be left alone to savor a stick. There's nothing cool about having an addiction, in case you have been smoking for years, putting graphic images on a cigarette package will not definitely wean smokers off their habit.

Rather than having a pack of any nicotine products packaged in drab olive green and smothered with grotesque photos, one can possibly make use of box warps to conceal them. These nice stickers for cigarettes are available in a number of amazing and stylish designs which is often utilized to personalise a pack of cigarettes and enable cigarette smokers to state their individuality.

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